ZeNe, Dutch-Hungarian Music Festival with a Culinary Touch

Saturday 10-09-16 @ 14:00 - 22:30

ZeNe, Dutch-Hungarian Music Festival with a Culinary Touch

ZeNe, Dutch-Hungarian Music Festival with culinary touch

Link short video summary ZeNe, made by the Hungarian Embassy in The Hague
Link review in the HU-NL bilingual magazine: Most Magyarul! -Oct 2016

WELCOME to the 1st edition of  ZeNe, the new Dutch-Hungarian Music Festival.
Two cultures, combined in a festive day, including 2 chamber music concerts, culinary events, like high-tea and warm buffet and an after-party with live music…

Works of Mozart, Haydn, Shostakovich, Beethoven, Brahms, Bartók, Lajtha and others… performed by renown musicians and young talents (YT), such as:
Klára Würtz -piano, Marijje van Stralen -soprano, Jeanette Landré – flute, Julija Hartig & János Konrád violin, Örzse Adam -viola, Örs Köszeghy – cello, Oxana Thijssen- harp YT, Prometheus Trio: (Boglárka Erdös – violin YT, Csaba Erdös – violoncello, Andrea Hornyák -piano), Benjamin Konrád – viola, Duco Burgers – piano YT.  The sounds of the after-party are Orsi Burján – Pálinkálom in collaboration with Zoli Soós en Bence Huszár -Vinsky Project

14.00  –  Welcome
14.30   –  Family Concert (families performing for families)
Haydn: Piano Trio Nr.39 HOB XV:25 Finale, Rondo all’Ongarese  –  B. Erdös YT/Cs. Erdös/Hornyák
Mozart: Duo for Violin and Viola  – J.Konrád/B. Konrád
xxxx Intermezzo: Révész siblings children trio – Weiner+Klezmer
S. Rachmaninov: Trio Elégiaque no.1 g moll

Shostakovich: Five pieces (arr.  Atovmyan)  –  B. Erdös YT/Cs. Erdös/Hornyák
Dohnányi: Piano Quintet Nr.1 Op.1 4th movement  –  B. Erdös YT/J.Konrád/B. Konrád/Cs. Erdös/Hornyák
15.30  –   High-Tea

16.30  –   Chamber Music concert
Beethoven: Egmont Overture arr. in 1892 for 4 hands  –  Würtz/BurgersYT
Beethoven: Selections from the Trio Serenade Op.25  –  Landré/Hartig/Adam
Brahms: Hungarian Dance for 4 hands  – Würtz/Burgers
Brahms: Zwei Gesänge Op.91  – Van Stralen/Adam/Würtz
Jongen: Pièce en trio Op. 80, Nr.1, 1925  for flute, cello and harp  –  Landré/Köszeghy/Thijssen
Vigh: “Jaj Istenem, hogy éljek még” from the “És keressük az igazságot” 2016  –  Köszeghy
Bartók: Szvit for piano Op.14 
László Lajtha: Trois Nocturnes Op.34 , 1941 (Dutch premiére)  – Van Stralen/ Landré/ Hartig/J. Konrad/Adam/Köszeghy/Thijssen YT
18.30  –   Walking dinner,  Hungarian & Dutch culinary art
20.00  –   After-party with live crossover/jazz/fusion music  Burján-Pálinkálom/Soós, Huszár-Vinsky

This year ZeNe will hold a short commemoration to the 60th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian revolution.
The Embassy of Hungary in the Hague supports the festival and Mr. Dr. Zoltán Lékó, Deputy Head of Mission will be present.

LOCATION: Leeuwenbergh, Utrecht, 3512 NK Servaasboolwerk 1a

TICKETS: www.ikbenaanwezig.nl

Ticket pricing: €17.50 – €60  including culinary program
Passepartout including high-tea and dinner
PART 1 including only high-tea
PART 2 including only dinner

FACEBOOK page ZeNewww.facebook.com/zene.festival

Stichting Variaties op een Thema (V.O.E.T) initiator and Musix For You (artistic concept, direction and production)
Artistic concept and Director: Örzse Adam – Musix For You
Initiator and Business Director: Martin van der Randen – Chairman ‘Stichting Variaties op een Thema’

Stichting Variaties op een Thema (V.O.E.T)
Postbus 51224, 1007 EE Amsterdam, KVK: 66269466, IBAN: NL13ABNA0611315084
Treasurer: Jeroen van Dijkeartiquair.nl   info@artiquair.nl

Brochure download (PDF Dutch-Hungarian)

Thank you for the support of:
Financial and in natura support from the 1956 Commemoration Committee via the Embassy of Hungary – The Hague
Financial support of the kfHein,Fonds
Somos Ildikó and Hollós Csaba, Manzart Rajziskola, for the brochure design
The Lajtha Heritage House for providing the music of the Three Nocturnes Op.34


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