A’dam Diviso is a chamber music society based in Amsterdam, initiated by Örzse Adam, violist and programmer. During her active performing career the Netherlands-based Hungarian viola player Örzse Adam has shared the stage with many fine musicians under different ensembles. Despite coming from different corners of the world, these internationally renowned musicians all share a common musical background, expression, passion and a singular devotion to chamber music. A’dam Diviso is a collaboration of young and established musicians combining their forces to perform beautiful and enchanting chamber music jewels. The unique character of the group is marked by many of the players performing on both authentic and modern instruments. This gives A’dam Diviso’s enthusiastic audience not only a very versatile, flexible and wide range program selection, but also a fascinating variety of instruments.
Artistic Leader: Örzse Adam – Musix For You
Mail: info@musixforyou.com
3 miniconcerts à 35min following each other in 3 monumental courtyards in De Pijp, Amsterdam. Residents of approx. 450 surrounding appartments can enjoy the concert from their private balconies.
Organized and initiated by Musix For You, A’dam Diviso performs several miniconcerts for crucial institutions. Institutions who worked extra hard during the COVID pandemy: GGD Testing- and Vaccination centers, hospitals, nursing homes, police, fire department….
3 miniconcerts à 35min following each other in 3 monumental courtyards in De Pijp, Amsterdam. Residents of approx. 450 surrounding appartments can enjoy the concert from their private balconies. The 1st concert will also be available via ‘Live streaming’.
May 31 A’dam Diviso string trio formation: programma
‘Live stream’ of the 1st concert 11:00-11:30AM on the FaceBook page of Musix For You
July 5 A’dam Diviso guitar trio formation: programma
Aug 23 Frank Bridge Piano Quartet
2 min. video-teaser, made on the 1st concert, May 31
The concerts are welcome and supported by owners through ProVVE and Rochdale.
The project financially granted by Perfoming Arts Fund, NL (Fonds Podiumkunsten)
Two concerts on period instruments in various formations. In collaboration with presenters Ab Nieuwdorp and Nadia Moussaid.
Nov 8, 2018 Salon Classique ‘Mediterraneo’
May 16, 2019 Salon Classique ‘Vocale’
More info: Agenda
Tickets: Concertgebouw
Brochure: ENG
“Welcome to Salon Classique! As a concert programmer my desire is to always offer the audience a total experience. Where can this be realized more then in the Chamber Hall of The Royal Concertgebouw? A venue with intimacy, exclusivity and stylishness. The two concerts will be presented by Ab Nieuwdorp and Nadia Moussaid: well-known from different radio and TV programs, presentations. A’dam Diviso introduces itself on different sides during these three concerts. The strength of A’dam Diviso lies in its diversity: in styles, formations and timbre. This diversity I would like to pass on to you in a form of a passépartout.’ Örzse Adam
“Welkom bij Salon Classique! Als programmeur streef ik ernaar concerten te creëren die een totaalbeleving bieden aan het publiek. Waar kan dit mooier dan in de Kleine Zaal van het Koninklijk Concertgebouw? Een intieme setting met allure. De concerten worden gepresenteerd door Ab Nieuwdorp en Nadia Moussaid, bekend van verschillende radio- en televisieprogramma’s. A’dam Diviso laat zich in deze drie concerten van verschillende kanten zien. De kracht van A’dam Diviso is de diversiteit die zich uit in verschillende formaties, stijlen en klankkleuren. Deze diversiteit breng ik graag aan u over in de vorm van een passe- partout. Ik hoop u daarom bij alle drie de concerten te kunnen ontvangen en kennis te laten maken met A’dam Diviso! “ Örzse Adam
1) 8 Strings 6 Bows – DUO Violin-Viola
Played on 3 different period bows: Bach, Mozart, Martinu, Bartók
Quirine Scheffers Vln, Örzse Adam Vla
2) 14 Strings 2 Bows – TRIO Guitar-Violin-Viola
18th and 19th century repertoire on period insrumentarium. Works by Beethoven, W.A.Mozart, Molino
Izhar Elias Guitar, Quirine Scheffers Vln, Örzse Adam Vla
3) ‘Mediterranean Flames’ – QUINTET Guitar-2Violins-Viola-Violoncello
Virtuosic and flamboyant program from the 18th-19th century including the famous ‘Fandango’ quintet and other works by Boccherini, Paganini, De Fossa
Izhar Elias guitar, Quirine Scheffers vln, n.t.b. vln, Örzse Adam vla, Andrea László vcl
View or download brochure programme 1. 2. 3. incl. biographies (PDF)
4) Romantic Songs – TRIO Soprano-Viola-Piano
Intimate and romantic program with the unique combination of voice, viola and piano. The concert can be either be performed on modern or historical instrumentation. Works by Brahms, Loeffler, Panseron, Granados, Bartók
5) Salon Classique in collaboration with Lex Bohlmeijer moderator
Three formations performed on 18th and 19th century historical instruments. This mini-series was premiered in Het Koninklijk Concergebouw in 2014-15.
1 Fortepiano QUARTET Mozart/Beethoven/Haydn
2 Clarinet QUARTET Druscheztky, Crusell, Mozart
3 Fortepiano-Clarinet-Viola TRIO Mozart/F.X. Mozart/Kreutzer/Danzi
View or download the programme 5. Brochure Salon Classique 2014-15 (PDF)
Photos by Aleksandra Renska (Örzse), Marco Borggreve (Izhar)
Quirine Scheffers – violin, Izhar Elias – guitar, Diederik Ornée – historical clarinet/bassethorn, Andrea László – violoncello, Keiko Shichijo – fortepiano, Young-Hee Kim – soprano, Shuann Chai – fortepiano, Marielle Ponsen – violin, Rebecca Smit – violoncello, Petra Somlai – fortepiano, Cassandra Luckhardt – violoncello, Sara DeCorso – violin.
“Welcome to Salon Classique! As a concert programmer my desire is to always offer the audience a total experience. Where can this be realized more then in the Chamber Hall of The Royal Concertgebouw? A venue with intimacy, exclusivity and stylishness. The three concerts will be presented by Lex Bohlmeijer: well-known from different radio programs, presentations and a favorer f authentic instruments. As a violist, during my carreer I collaborated in several theater performances, this is how I met Lex. A’dam Diviso introduces itself on different sides during these three concerts. The strength of A’dam Diviso lies in its diversity: in styles, formations and timbre. This diversity I would like to pass on to you in a form of a mini-series. Örzse Adam
“Welkom bij Salon Classique! Als programmeur streef ik ernaar concerten te creëren die een totaalbeleving bieden aan het publiek. Waar kan dit mooier dan in de Kleine Zaal van het Koninklijk Concertgebouw? Een intieme setting met allure. De concerten worden gepresenteerd door Lex Bohlmeijer: bekend van verschillende radioprogramma’s en een liefhebber van authentieke instrumenten. Als altvioliste heb ik aan vele theaterproducties meegewerkt en zodoende heb ik ook Lex Bohlmeijer leren kennen. A’dam Diviso laat zich in deze drie concerten van verschillende kanten zien. De kracht van A’dam Diviso is de diversiteit die zich uit in verschillende formaties, stijlen en klankkleuren. Deze diversiteit breng ik graag aan u over in de vorm van een passe- partout. Ik hoop u daarom bij alle drie de concerten te kunnen ontvangen en kennis te laten maken met A’dam Diviso! “ Örzse Adam
PDF Brochure Salon Classique 2014-15 Dutch
PDF Flyer Salon Classique 2014-15 English
On August 16, 2014 at 19:00, A’dam Diviso performed at the Eszterházi Festivities with a beautiful classical piano quartet program. Quirine Scheffers violin, Örzse Adam viola, Andrea László violoncello and Petra Somlai played Mozart, Beethoven and Haydn.
See more
Listen Trio sample, Listen Quartet sample
Photos by Alexander Grün